
How To Transfer Blog Posts From Wordpress To Squarespace

How to Transfer WordPress Site to Squarespace

Many small business owners are choosing Squarespace over WordPress for ease of use and slick designs. But changing the website platform can get messy. You may lose website traffic and search engine ranking in the process.

In this post, I will walk you through step by step how to graciously transfer your WordPress site to Squarespace without affecting user experience and SEO.

Here are the steps:

  1. Identify pages to keep and remove

  2. Export content from WordPress

  3. Import content to Squarespace

  4. Transfer SEO settings manually

  5. Move domain to Squarespace

  6. Redirect pages with URL changes

  7. Test for broken links

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Step 1: Identify pages to keep and remove

Transferring a website is a great opportunity for spring cleaning and removing any pages that don't add value to your website.

You can use Google Analytics to identify the flops - i.e. zero-traffic pages.

Identify high and low-viewed pages in Google Analytics

Identify high and low-viewed pages in Google Analytics

Head to Behaviour and then Site Content to get a page view report.

If your business is seasonal, make sure you edit the time range to get fair results.

Step 2: Export content from WordPress

Import-export is a neat feature that saves you time copy-paste content from WordPress to Squarespace.

Squarespace can import from WordPress most of your core website content. That includes:

  • Pages

  • Blog page, blog posts, authors

  • Attachments

  • Comments

  • Categories, tags

However, Squarespace won't import your styling, image captions, gallery images, and content from plugins.

To use the import feature, you first need to get your content from WordPress.

On WordPress, go to Tools, then Export.

You can choose to export all content or filter for a specific content type, category, or time range.

Export content from WordPress: Tools > Export

Export content from WordPress: Tools > Export

Step 3: Import content to Squarespace

In Squarespace, go to Settings > Advanced > Import/Export > Import.

Choose WordPress as the source platform, then toggle to the Advanced tab.

Drop the XML file you've gotten from WordPress there and click Begin Import.

After a few minutes, you'll see a Success message.

Imported content will show up under the Not Linked section. If you don't see them after the Success message, refresh the page.

Step 4: Transfer SEO settings manually

If you've been using Yoast or another SEO plugin on WordPress, this data will not be transferred to Squarespace automatically.

So here's what you need to do.

Under settings of each page on Squarespace, you'll find an SEO tab to enter page title and meta description.

Head to All Pages and/or All Posts on WordPress to see all your pages' SEO titles and meta descriptions.

Then copy paste those meta descriptions over.

Edit Squarespace SEO  settings

Edit Squarespace SEO  settings

Related: Heard the rumor that Squarespace SEO sucks? View my honest Squarespace SEO Review.

Customize Squarespace URL format match your WordPress site

Squarespace will generally try to preserve your old URL, but their default blog post URL format may cause your original link to change.

To customize Squarespace blog post URL format, go to Settings > Blogging, then edit the Post URL Format.

Generally speaking, you should have only the "%t" variable (the post title). Other variables are for the creation month, date, and year of the post.

Step 5: Move domain from Wordpress to Squarespace

Once your old content and SEO settings are in place, you can design and style the website to your liking.

When you're ready to publish the new design, there're two options to move your domain from WordPress to Squarespace.

  • Option 1: Connect Squarespace site with a third-party domain provider. In this case, you'll still pay and manage your domain with that third-party domain provider.

  • Option 2: If you prefer to manage everything in one place, you can transfer the domain to be managed within Squarespace.

I usually choose the first option because it only take 24 hours to connect a domain. Transferring a domain can take up to 15 days, depending on your domain provider.

Squarespace has specific instructions to connect your domain. Two popular options for WordPress are Bluehost and HostGator, but you can view all other guides in this post.

Pro-Tip: When connecting a domain, make sure you check or uncheck the www prefix option to match your current WordPress site. Your site with and without www are not the same.

If you prefer to transfer the domain to Squarespace, view this guide for step-by-step instructions.

Step 6: Redirect pages with URL changes

Sometimes your URL might change as you move from WordPress to Squarespace.

For example, your WordPress blog posts' format is, but on Squarespace you need to add a collection name to it, like

Changing URLs can lead to users getting 404 errors when clicking on the old links.

To fix this, you need to create 301 Redirect (permanent redirect) to point any links with the old URL to the new page.

Be sure to redirect old URL to new URL

Be sure to redirect old URL to new URL

In Squarespace, head to Settings > Advanced > URL Mappings.

Use the following format: /old-url -> /new-url 301

For example, your previous blog post link is mysite.come/rainbow and now it's mywebsite.come/blog/rainbow, your mapping will be: /rainbow -> /blog/rainbow.

Step 7: Test for broken links

To ensure you don't forget about any redirects, do a test for broken links.

After launching your site, go to Dead Link Checker and enter your website domain.

The results will show any links you have that point to a 404 Error (page doesn't exist).

How To Transfer Blog Posts From Wordpress To Squarespace


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