
Cylindrical Mirror Brings 3D To The iPad

How intractable is it to bring 3D to merely 2D information? That's the question that a mathematical group of researchers from Ochanomizu University–an completely female school–have come through with an answer to: not very difficult, all you need is a mirror.

Victimisation an iPad and its multitouch capability, the research group from Ochanomizu University is nonindustrial a cylindrical mirror and iPad app which ass be used to assume an aim in 3D. The technology for the gimmick ISN't new; it uses a projection process called "anamorphism," which means to change from one form to another.

First, the iPad displays a distorted 2D image happening its screen. The cylindrical mirror is then placed onto the iPad. Exploitation an interactive system called Anamorphicons, the distorted image is picked up by the mirror, where information technology is morphed from 2D to 3D. The image zero longer appears distorted on happening the cylindrical mirror.

The interactional system that Anamorphicons uses allows you to rotate the 3D image by simply rotating the cylinder mirror. Since the iPad image is only 2D, the iPad in reality uses a large number of images of the same item, from different angles. Every bit the mirror rotates it communicates with the iPad via touch and it tells the 2D image to also rotate (i.e. showing a contrastive tip over 2D figure of speech). Reported to DigInfo TV, this characteristic makes it easy to show content in 3D.

Inside of the cylinder are two meet pens which are connected to eachother away wiring and an aluminum plate to conduct electrical energy. The two pens create the same iPad response that would occur if you were touching the iPad's multitouch screen with two fingers; if you move your fingers from side to side then the distorted 2D object moves side to sidelong. An iPad application calculates the coordinates of the cylinder and determines the proper angle and berth to home the 2D data.

The group hopes that the Anamorphicons Crataegus oxycantha some day be used to enhance shopping sites and make them more user-sociable. As a person with an engineering background I can see this having a multitude of additional uses, such as in CAD modeling. Who knows, maybe this device will go to other screens and not just the iPad.

[DigInfo Television set (YouTube]

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