
Where To Buy Camera Near Me

  • Lusy Aaltje

    Reliable is how I describe the service provided past this store! Add together that with a broad range of options they have no affair which 'faith' of camera you vest to? I continue coming back for more!

  • Ayu P.

    The employees are extremely nice and I got everything I need for less (compared to the camera stores in Ambassador). They even sell SD cards for half the price. JPC is worth visiting. five/5.

  • Dedy D.

    I cool and professional place to wait for, or to get, your Photography or Videography equipments. They too take delivery service by the way.

  • Nur K. heart icon on user image

    Bought a lens pen. Asked for the cheaper ane and they said don't have it. Merely they offering the best product.

  • Arini Rizki R.

    I think that Jakarta Photography Middle best for all cameras and app. This place are totally recommended with skilful service.

  • Nigel G. heart icon on user image

    Good selection of cameras, lenses and accessories roofing major about brands

  • Eric K.

    Good price in here, but something bothered regarding surcharge or extra fees 2% when you pay with the credit card for Canon & Nikon products.

  • Nooring P. heart icon on user image

    honey the identify, products and the staff.. very helpful =]

  • Ferdinand Jw W.

    People ask me why I never visit another photo store in Jakarta for a better price and services in photographic stuff, the respond is, I dream of another one that never were, then why not?

  • Nigel G. heart icon on user image

    DO NOT SELL YOUR EQUIPMENT HERE. I HAD Ii NIKON LENS WORTH 15Mil bought at this shop previously. I took and then to sell merely was "OFFERED" 2Mil For both. This is daylight "ROBBERY" and a personal insult.

  • Kris M. heart icon on user image

    one good photographic camera store in Due south Djakarta.

  • Roes E.

    Luas tokonya kira2 3% nya luas Yodobashi Camera Umeda, Osaka Nippon.

  • Hendy F.

    Recomended photography shop in jakarta

  • Danielle K.

  • Yakiiin heart icon on user image

  • Nino JakClubbers S.

    Srsly , best price ever !!!

  • Roes E.

    Buy ND8 Filter for long exposure preparation

  • yakub p.

  • Agung S.

  • Dimas S.

    Awas kantong jebol, mata ileran, iman tergoda!

  • Jane

    Gag seru...kena charge kartu kredit :(

  • djoko p.

    many photographic camera and lens shop, just this place really become me Read more

  • Fransisca L.

  • Puguh H.

    Toko yang menjual alat2 fotografi bisa dibilang komplit, pelayanannya ramah, harga juga terbaik disini, recommended untuk yang mau belanja kamera dan aksesorisnya.

  • Kreisandy R.

    Recommended bgt buat beli kamera disini,harganya pas,sama kyk di websitenya..buat pemula juga gausah takut ditipu penjual,karena salesnya ngebantuin semua yg ga kita ngerti..pinnacle lah!!

  • Nur K. heart icon on user image

    Mau bayar pakai kartu BNI kena biaya tambahan lumayan banyak. Repot juga kalau ambil tunai di ATM. Tapi harga dan pelayanannya memang bagus!

  • Adin S.

    Stafnya banyak jadi ngelayaninnya bisa fokus... and then far and then skillful cuma kalo transaksi pake cc kena accuse (-_-)

  • strawberrinoe

    Tempatnya kurang luas untuk pelanggan sebanyak itu.....dan jaringan kartu kredit apapun Reject.. what a shame

  • indra h.

    Disini Bagus, sayangnya cm 1 kl belum fix beli barang ga bs dicoba

  • christiansen g.

    Tempat yang lengkap buat belanja photography.

  • Nur K. heart icon on user image

    Wah pegawainya banyak banget. Mau nyari apa tinggal bilang saja.

  • fofou heart icon on user image

    Hahhaha... betah banget disini

  • Michael T.

    peralatan kameranya termasuk lengkap disini :)

  • nimaz j.

    Ini recommended bgt , servicenya super ramah sampe k ada privacy samsek -__-

  • Har Y.

    Test.. Saat hujan tak jua turun

  • Hengkoy

  • ieda_kutarock

    Kalo udah disini...bikin mupeng semuanya...jangan sering" lah mampir dsini..., sekalinya mampir ga ingin pulang"...hahahahaha

  • jemmy n.

    Mo bli lensa aja tp ditawarin yg lain juga. Hrs ti do betoken kalo ga mau terkuras tabungan/duit yg dibawa.

  • rendha r.

    Harga bersaing dan kualitas terpercaya, ga usah jauh2 ke ps baru

  • komang i.

    nice price.. ga usah ngubek2 sampai ke jakarta utara..

  • dimas a.

    Waaaaa.... Pengen beli semuanyaa... Gakkk papa dah pulang naik ojek juga yg penting puasss....

  • Rachmat T.

    Musti telp dulu, ngecek barang ada atau ngg..

  • Agus L.

    Bisa booking dulu sebelum beli! ;)

  • M Fajar S. heart icon on user image

  • Hernando T.

    harus bawa byk uang kalo kesini.. He4..

  • Audy E.

  • Eka O.

    Mo beli lensa doang, jd byk embel2nya...tabungan terkuras dweh *sigh*

  • Angga J.

    Wow akhirnya bsa ke JPC jga.

  • Priyadi N.

    Ya tuhan. Jauhkanlah kami dari godaan lensa yang terkutuk.

  • Dwitya D.

    Ngileeeeerrrr msk sini --"


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