
How To Add Skype Cameras To Tabletop Simulator

Whilst the earth is starting to encounter some vague resemblance to normality (what ever that was) it can still be catchy for people to become out and take physical games, experience the warm grip of plastic between their fingers and roll some die. With this in mind Karl has put together this updated, thoroughly in-depth, yet easy to follow guide to playing Kings Of War online via the Tabletop Simulator.

Hello, and welcome to another Covid induced commodity on how to play games virtually, this fourth dimension using the program Tabletop Simulator.

I picked up Tabletop Simulator (by and large known equally TTS) in social club to play Infinity the Game (a miniatures game by Corvus Belli) during lockdown. Afterward a couple of games it apace became apparent that this program is awesome and I got to wondering what else might be out there? Turns out at that place is a LOT!

Later a frenzied few days (and at least 1 fairly sleepless nighttime) of finding models, working out how the diverse tools role, creating objects from scratch in Blender, and some coding that Frankenstein himself would have been proud of it was time to get contesting in glorious 3D. While this early on version of the modernistic was just most functional, significant advances take been made since and so. There are lots of different pictures of the mods development in this guide, the older units take blackness, greyness, or white tabs behind them, these have been removed in the latest version.

Tabletop Simulator is a sandbox program designed to allow players to create more or less whatever they desire, and then connect with other players from all over the earth to play whatever games accept been created. While I'1000 just going to look at Kings of War it'due south worth noting that there are also mods available for nearly every wargame going, including lots of out of production classics. These are all available at full functionality for gratis after the base game has been purchased for roughly $twenty (only TTS is often on auction through Steam), if yous buy through steam and don't like it, so long as y'all have played for less than ten hours there is a 100% money dorsum option with no questions asked. There's really no reason not to at to the lowest degree give it a endeavor.

This article will guide you through downloading mods for TTS, and how to play games of Kings of War using the "Kings of State of war iiird Edition Scripted" mod. This modernistic is the key to existence able to play Kings on TTS since the "out of the box" functionality of TTS is non sufficient for anything but a casual game.

In that location is a lot of additional info on how to create your ain armies, and miscellaneous tips and tricks that can exist plant over on the Facebook page or Discord server. I'd recommend joining one or both and so you can go whatever extra assist needed and organise games against people from all over the world.

Part 1. Downloading and Subscribing to Mods

Once y'all have downloaded TTS you volition need to subscribe to mods through the steam workshop. The workshop is a hub for customs created content for Steam games. Afterward you take installed TTS only open upward Steam, click on TTS, and then on the Workshop.

At present you lot need to search for the mods you want and subscribe to them by clicking on the green "+" push. Once you are subscribed you will exist able to access the content in game.

Kings of War on TTS is nevertheless fairly new. It's possible to play using only the "Kings of War 3rd Edition Scripted" mod, but past subscribing to other mods you tin can find boosted models, effects, terrain, lighting etc, but that's beyond the scope of this article.

Function two. Creating or Joining a Game:

To create a game simply open TTS, click the create game icon, and then unmarried player or multiplayer.

One time y'all take selected single player or multiplayer yous volition be taken to the menu shown below to select the type of game you want to play.

Subscribed mods are found in the "WORKSHOP" tab, saved games in the "Relieve & LOAD" tab etc. The "DLC" department has some professionally constructed ready to become games that tin can be purchased.

If creating a multiplayer game, create a proper noun for the server, select how many players are allowed in, add a countersign if y'all want one, and then click create. Afterward this you can load any mods or saved games you accept and bring additional items into them. I unremarkably run games through the main mod simply save my armies as a "Saved Object" (more than on that later) so that I tin can bring the whole regular army into the game at once rather than having to pull all the units out of the demo ground forces numberless (more than on that afterward besides).

Once a game has been created people tin can either search for it through TTS by selecting "join" on the main menu and then searching for the server proper noun. Or the host tin can ship invites out through Steam to any Steam contacts they take using the + button shown below.

Search for the server name in the box at the acme.

The indicated "+" allows the host to invite Steam contacts direct into the game.

Basic Controls:

Now that we are in a game I should run through the basic controls:

W/A/S/D – movement effectually the table

Left mouse button – selection things up, drag to select

Right mouse button – change the camera bending, access an objects menu

Mouse bicycle – zoom in and out

Tab – hold to measure things as you lot move the mouse

Q/E – rotate a held or moused over object

There are more controls that nosotros will bear upon later, but these are the fundamentals that enable you lot to motion effectually and interact with objects.

Once someone joins a server the host will need to "Promote" them so that they can interact with objects and change menu options. This way y'all can accept spectators, just they won't be able to accidentally movement things. Both players also need to choose a colour. All these buttons are establish by clicking on a players proper noun in the top right of the screen.

Part 3. Gameplay:

At present that it's time for gaming the very first thing to exercise is change the "elevator height" to 0. This means that, when picked up, units volition only exist lifted about 0.5mm off the ground. It makes authentic placement of units much easier and gives the feel of sliding units around the table surface rather than picking them up and dropping them downwardly several inches.

The second thing we need to practise is brand sure the in-game physics behave. Click on the "options" bill of fare then "Physics" then select "semi-lock" or "locked".

Not to discourage anyone from working out, but you need to subtract your lift height!

Okay, then what'due south in the Modern?

Within the "Kings of War 3rd Edition Scripted" mod yous will find a range of pre-built armies (pink), thirteen pre-constructed tables (blueish), various effects, terrain, trays (ruby), lots of tools, tokens, etc (dark-green), and coded dice rollers (yellow).

Accessing a Demo Ground forces:

Each of the numberless contain units for one or two of the factions in Kings of War. Mousing over the purse will reveal the name of the faction inside, then merely right click on the bag, select "search" and and so drag the desired units onto the tabletop.

Once on the tabular array you can copy and paste the units to get multiples, and salvage the whole lot for use afterwards. Select all the units, correct click on any one, click "save object". Saved objects can be accessed by clicking on the "Objects" menu at the meridian of the screen, so selecting "Saved Objects"

Setting up the Table:

To load the pre-made tables zoom in then you tin can come across the buttons effectually the bags easily. Click the "Identify" button and the table and all terrain will be loaded. An additional pocketbook containing the deployment zones will as well exist placed at this point. Using the "Recall" button will put all the terrain back in the handbag.

If you lot want to brand your own tables there are a few things to picket out for. Most terrain you find in other mods won't allow units to motion through information technology (and so, only like in real life we end up with units sitting on top of trees). Most of the terrain within this modernistic has been modified to prepare this.

Even and so, everything needs to be equally flat equally possible for the units to motion correctly. As such you will need to make sure that the forests and other area terrain features are sunk as far into the surface of the table every bit possible:

In this example the undergrowth base is a couple of mm thick and then units volition jiggle about if moved over it. Nosotros need to use the gizmo tool (F8) to move the undergrowth base of operations down into the table so that the top of the base is almost flush with the surface of the table. This tool tin also lift things into the air…..

Multi-Country Terrain:

Every bit mentioned above the coding that controls movement in the modern really does not like units trying to sit above the surface of the table. Equally such several of the terrain features have been modified to facilitate this. Crop fields, walls, and forests allow units to "clip" through them, while hills have been given 2 states. One will be a 3D version. One will be a apartment version. Y'all tin toggle between the two states using the number keys correlating to the desired state. Forests also take multiple states, each one increasing or decreasing the amount of vegetation shown so that the table can either expect absurd, or the verbal placement of units can exist more easily seen.

Irritating hill interaction – this won't work at all when the coding is active. The mouse will change to the symbol shown when an object has multiple states.

State 2 – flat. Much easier to deal with now, but doesn't await as nice.


One time all the terrain is in place yous tin "lock" them by mousing over the object and pressing the L key. This stops objects being accidentally moved or deleted. An object that's been suspended in the air with the gizmo merely non locked will fall dorsum down to the table if information technology gets clicked on.

Activating the Coding and Setting Hotkeys

Now we go to the core of this mods functionality – the lawmaking that governs motion and displays a units arcs and threat ranges. The code volition always exist in the background, but is but practical to objects that take the "Tag" of "Unit". To add this tag select all the units, right click, select "Tags". Now in that location volition either be a grey "Unit" near the pinnacle, in which case click on so that it goes blueish. If there isn't, so type Unit into the "add tag" box at the bottom and and then click the "+" button. The coding is now applied to these units, so their motility is restricted, and the command panel now affects them.

Hotkeys tin can be used to select a unit of measurement, display its arcs (including the leader betoken), and display its melee and missile threat range. The histrion needs to set these for themselves, but in one case prepare they should exist remembered betwixt games. To gear up the hotkeys go to "Options" at the top of the page, so "Game Keys". Left click to activate the hotkey, then click whatever button you want the hotkey to exist. Its best to avoid using keys that already have a function in TTS. I use X to toggle arcs on and off, mouse 3 to select a unit of measurement, and mouse 4 to toggle threat ranges.

Rabble regiment with arcs and threat range turned on.

The Control Panel:

The command console adds several tools for controlling a units rotation and tracking damage. Arc and threat range values are set up here, and can also be toggled on and off, but this is much more than cumbersome than using the hotkeys.

The slide bar allows a unit of measurement to be rotated upwardly to 180 in either direction in just over 1 degree increments. You can use Due east and Q to rotate units resting on the tabular array, merely this can only exist done in 15 degree increments.

The Facing value shows the units "global rotation" this is its rotation relative to a fixed perspective. This is useful when you desire to line two units up, just await at one units facing and add or subtract 180 to that value for the other unit to get them facing each other perfectly.

Entering a number in the Damage field appends that number to the units name. This fashion you lot can mouse over a unit to see its harm. If you want to be able to see damage at all times at that place are counters available in the bags at the side of the tabular array.

If y'all don't like the location of the control panel information technology tin can exist dragged around or hidden.


Pressing and holding TAB allows yous to measure out the altitude betwixt things. In that location are ii measurement modes useful for kings. The get-go is "edge to edge". Here you lot mouse over an object, press and hold TAB, then mouse over another object. The closest altitude between the two objects will be shown. To have this agile the line tool should display "Inch, 2d, Auto, Border"

The other option is "point to indicate". In this case the measurement starts and ends at the tip of the alphabetize finger. For this the line tool should evidence "Inch, 2nd, Complimentary, Edge".

When units are moved the line is automatically drawn and the distance moved displayed.

The lines are visible to both players so are a great way of showing what's going on, indicating charges etc.

Rolling Dice:

Dice tables are provided for both players. One starts on the table, one lives in a memory pocketbook. For some reason if they both start on the table or both start in bags they don't display properly.

Anyway, this roller has a text field where you blazon the number of dice to roll, then there are the following buttons:

New Roll – rolls the number of dice indicated in the text box. (for some reason the text doesn't display on this button)

Roll All – rolls all the dice currently on the dice table

Reroll Selected – if yous select some dice and roll this they will be rerolled and the others left unchanged. The rerolled die will plough ruby.

Clear All – deletes all the dice on the table.

Sometimes the dice tables forget about dice from previous rolls. Its best to "clear all" after each set of rolls.

In that location are also a number of green and brown buttons. When clicked, greenish buttons continue all dice equal to or greater than the number selected and delete the rest, while the brownish buttons delete everything greater than the number selected.

I really desire 1 of these for my real-life games, it's so much faster!

Counters, Indication, and General Tools:

A great feature of TTS is that y'all can come across your opponent's mouse as information technology moves about the table. This ways players can just wave at things and say "this one" (just like we practice in real life) rather than having to describe the "seventh zombie horde from the left", or drag indication tools effectually the table. It's all very fluid and intuitive.

There is a built in voice chat role if you don't want to employ outside programs like skype or discord.  You just have to printing the "C" cardinal to toggle voice chat on and off.

If you lot practise need to mark something (or maybe construct a circuitous military attack plan) you tin use the drawing tool (F2) to doodle on the table. These doodles can exist deleted one at a time or all at once in the aforementioned card.

One of my opponents who likes to plan out his entire plough before moving anything……..

If, despite your meticulous doodling, you have made a mistake so time can be rewound (or moved forward again) using the left and right pointing arrows at the peak of the screen. Time can be moved in various intervals. Personally, I similar to use the shortest interval, and simply keep rewinding until I get back to where I demand to exist.

By right clicking on a unit you can write stuff in its description. I normally include what the unit of measurement is, any magic items, and how much damage it's taken. This info pops up instantly when the unit is moused over by a actor. No need to drag cards or tokens about the tabular array if you don't want to.

Alternatively there are digital counters available in bags on the right hand side. These tin can exist attached to a unit using a "fixed articulation" (2x F6) this mode the counters will follow their unit around without needing to be moved independently, and y'all will never get counters mixed up betwixt closely packed units.

Play past Mail (GoogleDrive)

If yous don't accept time to play a full game or are struggling to schedule a game with an opponent then it's possible to play individually one plow at a time by sending the relieve files of a game dorsum and forth between players.

Whenever a game is saved TTS gives it a number in addition to its name and saves it as a JSON file. These typically alive in a directory something like:

C:\Users\MyPC\Documents\My Games\Tabletop Simulator\Saves

If you copy a JSON file from here, load it up onto a shared cloud storage of your choice (files can exist pretty big, and so probably not nifty for email), and then an opponent tin copy that same file into their directory they will take the fully saved game available on their calculator without ever having to actually be in game together.

There's no log of dice rolls, and so a level of trust is required for this type of gameplay.

Save 67 in game

Save 67 JSON file in my reckoner

Part 4. The Future:

While this mod has come a very long way from its early on versions there is however more than that can be done.

Some of the projects I'm looking at are:

  • Increment the terrain variety. At the moment there are but 2 styles of wood, two style of hills. I want to have terrain types to create themed tables for all sorts of environments!
  • Finish making all the Epic Dwarf maps
  • Create a demo units for all units in all armies. We have a lot available already, but I desire information technology all!
  • Bring some Mantic models into the game – having spoken to Mantic we may exist able to get some bones 3D sculpts of their models. These would then need to be textured via UV mapping or photogrammetry. I haven't got a inkling how to exercise either.

That'southward information technology for this article. You should now have all the info you need to become started with Kings of War on Tabletop Simulator. If you run into whatsoever problem feel free to send me a bulletin on the Facebook group or Discord.

Promise to see you on the field.



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